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Norma B. Ojeda, MD, MSCI, CCRP
Norma B. Ojeda, MD, MSCI, CCRP

Department of Advanced Biomedical Education First Year Accomplishments

The Department of Advanced Biomedical Education (DABE) was created to provide a primary academic home for educators, support horizontal and vertical integration in the learning process and promote scholarly work and faculty development. The Department started its work on July 1, 2022 and since then there were many changes and accomplishments in the organizational structure and logistic implementation of several educational and administrative activities.


Accomplishments in the organizational structure include the Integration of the Centers for Simulation, Clinical Skills, and Resuscitation Training within the SOM-DABE; Creation of the DABE Executive Committee with a Vice-Chair for Faculty Development, Vice-Chair for Diversity and Inclusion, Vice-Chair for Research, Vice-Chair for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure, and the DBA; Creation of the Biomedical Education Division, which is overseeing classroom and laboratory instruction for students in the SOM, SOD, SHRP and SGSHS; and Creation of the Health Training Division, including the Centers for Simulation, Clinical Skills Assessment, and Resuscitation training. This division, oversees hands-on training and assessment of students, and healthcare professionals for all Schools at UMMC, and for the community.

Accomplishments in the administrative logistics include the audit of the Body Donation Program, fully executed contract for the first time with a vendor/funeral home for the Body Donation Program, optimized the processes for enrollment and acceptance of donors for the Body Donation Program, creation of an in-house management system for the Body Donation Program, improved management for the Body Donation Program for cremains returning to families/relatives and interred at the UMMC Cemetery, interred at the UMMC Cemetery Anatomical Specimens not utilized in educational activities based on an evaluation lead by the UMMC Biomedical Ethics Committee, implementation of the Body Donation Program Private Cremains Burial Ceremony with participation of faculty members and UMMC Chaplain. DABE has also implemented cross-training for staff in both Divisions.

Accomplishments in the Education and Training Divisions include expansion of the workforce with new hiring including four new faculty members, (2 assistant professors, 1 associate professor and 1 professor, 1 education coordinator, 1 simulation coordinator, 1 resuscitation instructor, and the creation a simulated participant manager position. In addition, the Education Division contributed to four required courses and four elective courses for the SOM, and 20 courses outside the SOM. All courses for the SOM, SOD, SHRP, and SGSHS finished the Fall and Spring semester successfully. Students in the SOM scored above the national average on the Histology examination. The Health Training Division served a total of 25,002 activity/person with a total of 69,147 activity/ hours. The Resuscitation Center implemented a new training, the Advanced Stroke Support Instructor Course, and it is developing an institutional registry for Code Blue occurrences. DABE faculty members were actively involved in the planning and implementation of the SOM new Curriculum with horizontal and vertical integrations. DABE Staff (Kathy Bryant and Patrick Parker) attained new degrees and certifications. DABE faculty members (Dr. Meyer and Dr. Smith) successfully enrolled in the Research Grant Academy Program supported by the OME. DABE Faculty members (Dr. Smith and Dr. Yang) were inducted in the NELSON order. DABE Faculty members (Dr. Yang, Dr. Cui, Dr. Smith, Dr. Schaefer) received awards and recognitions for their contributions on Academic Education and Service. DABE is also in the development phase of the Master Program in Biomedical Education, the first on its nature in the Institution and the State of Mississippi.

Accomplishments in the physical facilities include renovation of the department conference room, N633, renovation of locker rooms and restrooms attached to the Gross Anatomy Laboratory, renovation of the fresh tissue and prosection room in room N722 including the installation of surgical grade booms lights with cameras, and screens for projections, construction of a multipurpose room with additional cubicles and office space for students and faculty members, and habilitation of room R606 with cubicles for graduate students in the PhD in Clinical Anatomy Program.

Accomplishments in faculty development include sponsoring and managing the Faculty Development Seminar Series, oriented to all educators in the institution, selection of a junior faculty member to apply for the Fellowship Program supported by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, and encouraging faculty members to prepare their Individual Development Plan.